Braingroup AG – we are leaders in the production of financial advisory software and digital transformation

Our core competencies include innovative and smart consulting solutions and holistic sales processes for banks, insurance companies and health insurers.











Our vision

“We revolutionize banking and insurance consulting.”

Our mission

“Financial advice is our passion. We make it an interactive experience – holistic, integrated and across all channels.”


Braingroup’s culture is characterized by open communication with a high degree of transparency and fast decision-making and implementation processes. We, therefore, rely on a flat organization with two levels, without a traditional C-level structure.

The executive team represents the management of the company. It coaches various teams in the product, project and sales areas, which operate largely independently.

This team-oriented organization provides agility and flexibility in the business and allows us to quickly adapt to changes in the market.

Anna Hana Pilkova Software Engineer ANPI Software Engineer Posted in: Product & Development, Teams

Anna Hana Pilková

Jakub Rudolf Mlynarik Software Engineer JAML Software Engineer Posted in: Product & Development, Teams

Jakub Rudolf Mlynárik

Martin Pamanek Software Engineer MAPA Software Engineer Posted in: Product & Development, Teams

Martin Pamánek

Marek Pfiegler Software Engineer MAPF Software Engineer Posted in: Product & Development, Teams

Marek Pfliegler

PAFU Senior Business Analyst Posted in: Product & Development, Teams

Patrick Füglistaler

Sandra Bongaards Business Analyst SABO Business Analyst Posted in: Product & Development, Teams

Sandra Bongaards

VOSY Software Engineer Posted in: Product & Development, Teams

Vojtěch Sýkora